The 56th Legislature is off to a start here in our great state of New Mexico, and we are excited to announce that we will be hosting the 14th annual Legislative West Side Day at the State Capital in Santa Fe this year.
For the past 14 years, The West Central Community Development Group & SWAN Coalition (Southwest Alliance of Neighborhood Associations) have successfully collaborated with our State Legislators, Albuquerque Public Schools, and Neighborhood Associations to provide West Side area students the opportunity to participate in a hands on “Civics Lesson” at the State Legislature. It’s a great way for students to learn about legislative process, interact with elected officials, and share their support for key issues that are important to West Side schools, businesses and neighborhoods.
Each year, the West Side Day committee raises funds to provide transportation, breakfast, and lunch for participating students & chaperones. We would like to extend an invitation to you to become a donor or sponsor of this event.
Our goal this year is to take 600 students to the state legislature. Thanks to generous sponsors, we are well on our way to reaching our goal, but we still need your help supporting. Will you help us meet our goal to provide these wonderful students with the opportunity to attend. Your donation/sponsorship will have a dramatic impact on the life of a young west side student.
Here is how your personal gift will impact them:
$30 - Will help 1 student attend the 14th Annual Legislative Westside Day.
$60 - Will help 2 students attend the 14th Annual Legislative Westside Day
$90 - Will help 3 students attend the 14th Annual Legislative Westside Day
$120- Will help 4 students attend the 14th Annual Legislative Westside Day
$150 - Will help 5 students attend the 14th Annual Legislative Westside Day
If you are feeling a little more generous or would your business to sponsor the event consider the following:
$1,500 – Will help 50 students attend the 14th Annual Legislative Westside Day.
$2,000 – Will help 65 students attend the 14th Annual Legislative Westside Day.
$2,500 – Will help 83 students attend the 14th Annual Legislative Westside Day.
Send your gift directly to us using the included form and address or, if you wish, you may use our online donation website – https://givebutter.com/2023WSD
You will be recognized on all printed materials and media information. WCCDG is a 501(c)3 organization therefore your donation is tax deductible. Attached is a form to fill out and send with your donation.
Thank you for your consideration & donation.

Luis Hernandez Jr.
Executive Director - West Central Community Development Group
505-688-4122 | Luis@wccdg.org