Crews will soon mobilize to Central Avenue SW to install new waterlines beginning on April 3, 2023. This will require roadway excavation and lane closures that will impact traffic in the area. Regular work hours will be from 7:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Monday-Thursday, and 7:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m. on Fridays. However, crews may work outside of these hours if necessary.
This project has a scheduled completion date of May 9, but as with all construction projects this timetable is subject to change.
How will this improvement project impact you?
1. Westbound traffic on Central Avenue between Atrisco and Old Coors will be reduced to one lane. Expect delays and seek an alternate route, if possible.
2. Access in and out of businesses will be maintained for the duration of the project. Please speak with the construction crew for any concerns you have regarding access to your business. Always drive through the work zone slowly and use caution.
3. Crews will work from the east end of the project to the west end.
4. Waterline replacement work will begin along 52nd Street after the work on Central Avenue is completed.
5. Contractors will do everything possible to ensure that water service is maintained for the duration of the project. However, emergencies or planned shut-offs may occur during construction.
a. Emergency (un-planned) shut-offs: no advance notice.
b. Planned shut-offs: 24 hours advance notice detailing the service interruption date and times.
Please use caution and obey all construction signage, slow down your speed, and allow for extra time to reach your destination.
Have questions and concerns? Please contact:
o Eric Williams, Water Authority, Project Manager, 505-289-3205, ewilliams@abcwua.org
o Amelia Symonds, Water Authority, Project Manager, 505-289-3243, asymonds@abcwua.org
o Rachel Stone, Water Authority, Communications Specialist, 505-289-3071, rstone@abcwua.org
o Danny Montaño, New Mexico Underground Utilities, 505-401-2187 or 505-877-2300
o Emergencies and after-hours please call 505-842-WATR (9287) (NOTE: All work is weather permitting and subject to change without notice)
Thank you for your patience while we improve Albuquerque’s infrastructure.
Project Benefits & Temporary Impacts: Following the completion of this waterline replacement work, you will likely experience improved water pressure in your home/business and less turbidity in your water. Also, these new water lines will minimize future emergency waterline repairs in your area.
While our crews install the new water lines, manipulate water valves, and make new waterline connections, there is a potential for mineral scale and sediment in the old water lines to get stirred up. As a result, you may notice a slight increase in the turbidity of the water that comes from your faucets and showerheads. Below are some ways you can resolve these issues:
1. Run your faucets or shower fixtures for a few minutes to flush out any sediment in the water. After a few minutes of flushing, you should see clearer water. You may need to clean the screens that are within the faucets and/or showerheads to remove any sediment that collects there.
2. Open faucets and plumbing fixtures slowly, and when you are done, close them slowly as well. This will minimize turbulence in your plumbing system and help keep the water clearer.
3. If your water is still excessively cloudy, try running an outside water hose to help flush out the water service line to your home. 4. Clean the screens and filters on your irrigation sprinkler system, including the individual sprinkler heads and, if applicable, the main filter unit in your sprinkler box. There are multiple videos on YouTube to assist with these activities.
5. If you’ve tried all of the above items and are still experiencing problems with your water quality, please contact one of the persons listed on the front page